Tiny Crab is a Tidy Crab (Paperback)

3.75 د.ك
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Tiny Crab is a tidy crab, and a crab who LOVES his beach. So, when he invites a few friends to come and join his favourite place, he knows they will look after it, too . . . won’t they? But what if they don’t? And, worse, what if LOTS of friends arrive then leave rubbish EVERYWHERE, which Tiny Crab is forced to tidy up. Maybe even the smallest voices need to make themselves heard.

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Tiny Crab is a tidy crab, and a crab who LOVES his beach. So, when he invites a few friends to come and join his favourite place, he knows they will look after it, too . . . won’t they? But what if they don’t? And, worse, what if LOTS of friends arrive then leave rubbish EVERYWHERE, which Tiny Crab is forced to tidy up. Maybe even the smallest voices need to make themselves heard.